Psychometric Test For Employees

Your organization’s process for administering psychometric tests to employees and potential candidates can be simplified thanks to the powerful digital tools developed by Quintela.

Our team has worked hard to create a comprehensive, intuitive, digital assessment platform that allows you to quickly and easily:

  • Administer assessments — whether they come from a third party or are your own proprietary assessments.
  • Track the progress of individuals who are responsible for completing those assessments.
  • Store and centralize the results of the tests within our user-friendly dashboard. Here, the user is able to generate reports that include results of multiple tests at once.

Seamlessly administer a psychometric test for employees and track progress and results

With our employee competency profiling solution, your organization is able to get a vivid look at the capabilities and behavioral tendencies of employees. Imagine your leadership development process informed and driven by data that is unavailable by other means. Psychological traits can be tough to measure, which is why a wide range of assessments have been developed by publishers around the world.

These assessments are a great way to measure leadership effectiveness and potential — but executing this process on your own can be difficult, especially if you lack the staff required to oversee it. Thanks to Quintela and our employee psychometric test reporting system, your organization is able to assess and develop talent based on accurate, effective and high quality psychometric reporting.

Tailor our employee competency profiling tool to fit the needs of your organization

Automating this important work helps save time and money without compromising the integrity of the data. Quintela has created a highly sophisticated, yet flexible, digital tool that can adhere to your organization’s specific evaluation framework and competency models.

If you want to build a streamlined process for issuing psychometric tests for employees and job candidates, then explore the power and game-changing nature of Quintela’s suite of digital tools and solutions.

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