Performance Management Appraisal Software

Gain a better handle on tracking the performance of employees within your business or organization by leveraging the suite of tools made available through the Quintela, including our performance management software.

Not only do we provide important resources (i.e. digital interview guides) when it comes to hiring new candidates, but we developed a performance management system that can be customized to meet the specific needs of each client we work with. Instead of utilizing a manual process or off-the-shelf tool and living with its limitations and quirks, let Quintela build you a custom performance appraisal system tailored to your unique environment.

How do you evaluate employees and monitor progress?

When it comes to setting goals, measuring performance and achieving tasks, how do you currently track the team members within your organization? You might fall into one of the two relatively common camps.

  • You don’t have any sort of process in place. Perhaps the idea of measuring employee performance and finding those that show potential for leadership roles is something your executive team does informally and unscientifically. This approach essentially makes the entire process a big guessing game — making it very difficult to make quality decisions about your employees.
  • You have a process, but it could be more effective. Before we create custom performance management software system for business clients, the team at Quintela first works with you to explore your current process. It’s important to identify what is going well with your process and would should be fixed. This ultimately allows us to create a highly effective performance management system.

Stop using an outdated, inefficient or homegrown appraisal process and let us show you how much easier this process could be when you work with us.  Collect better quality performance data and make it accessible to those who need it to make important employee decisions.

Quintela would love to hear about your performance management needs. We’ll give you a closer look at our performance management software.

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